Okay. for the past few weeks I've been studying for my exams, writing a novel, a 3rd & 4th season for a television series (Codenamed F=NV²) and I've cleaned up my room.
So. Something's off.
'cuz I normally don't study for tests or exams at all, my first novel has been published just four weeks ago (will post about that issue later), I haven't even written the 2nd season, and I normally never clean my room...
It all started last week. With the flood.
We have an attic above the studio, which, due to a condition it posesses, I can only define as "ladder-impairdness". It's a place that I never really frequent. Lots of air-ducting, a creaky, homemade wooden floor, and lots of spiders.
Last week, a leak developed in one of the hot water pipes up there. I've seen the leak and it really is small. It's a leak you wanna beat the crap out in high school. But that would've made the damage only bigger.
But nevertheless, it started to spray water all over the creaky wooden floor, spiders and airducts, until the wooden floor gave up and started to pass on the water to the studio ceiling, my office wall, a built in bookchase, and a wall next to the stariwell. First we thought the shower leaked again (that happened two year ago - it destroyed one whole wall in the house). So, in the time that the paint started bubbling off the wall, we were taking apart the shower and discovered no leaks.
A day went by.
The next day the situation got even worse, because small drops of amber-colored water started landing in my Kellogs breakfast. And there are two things you MUST ONLY do if you really are in a mood to piss me of, and one of them is touching my breakfast. (The other is touching my MacBook, but that one seems obvious to me). Then I decided I wanted to record something in the studio and discovered a large amber-colored stain in the wall of the control room.
Damn. I had to get up that attic.
It's scary, you know! The ladder which leads up there is small as hell and I (weight 45 kilos) can't even fit through the opening! So, after trying it sideways I *finally* got in and discovered the leak.
Now, my house looks like the Dutch version of Amish barn-raising scene in Witness except you take out Harrison Ford and Kelly McGillis and replace them with the handyman Peter and four other dudes who go sunbathing on our garage roof every time we're away.
Plastic hangs all over the doorways and large sheets of paper are rolled out over the floor with such enthousiasm that I'm starting to feel like I'm back two years ago when the "major transformation" of our house took place. Only thing is that there was dust instead of water.
The staircase wall was dried out and plastered over, and five hours later that wall had turned an ugly shade of brown-- suggesting that it wasn't dried out in the first place or I'm living in fucking Amityville.
As a devoted brother, son and nephew it is my DUTY to find out what dark materials have found their way into my life and family.
Let's eliminate:
A) the old testament and related religious explanations
B) Nature
C) Coincidence
D) Or I'm a Freudian who suffers from a neuropsychosis combined with some super-ego evolution through time.
Then we end up with one explanation:
Mrs. Cohen was upset with me getting an F for last weeks Math test and somehow cursed my house, family and pets with a strange, unsolvable mathematical formula!
I knew it... I saw her lookin' at me last lesson. And afterwards I saw Mrs. Ottenvanger give her some packages which I assumed were her donuts and some wine, but I strongly believe now that it were animal sacrifices.
So please, Mrs. Cohen, take back the mathematical formula. I know it might be kinda big to stall at your place, but maybe you can donate it?
Just a thought.